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If you are interested in our work OR joining the ASPIRE Lab

Where to find us:


ASPIRE Lab is located in the
Health Science Center (HSC) of
Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH)

Stony Brook University Hospital 
101 Nicolls Road 

Stony Brook, NY 11794  


Directions to our Lab:

  1. If you are driving, you can park in the Patient/Visitor Parking Garage for Stony Brook University Hospital (  
  2. If you park in the garage, bring your ticket with you to the lab so we can validate it and you won’t be charged when exiting the garage. 
  3. Walk from the parking garage to the hospital’s main lobby entrance. (Note that this is not the Emergency Room entrance).
    Use the following link to find the hospital’s main lobby entrance: 
  4. Enter Stony Brook University Hospital through the main entrance on Health Sciences Drive. If you are asked to register at the main information desk, please tell the attendant that you are here “for research in the HSC”.  
  5. Walk across the hospital lobby toward the “Hospital/Health Sciences Center” (HSC) hallway. 
  6. Walk past the hospital elevators on your right (Do NOT take this first set of hospital elevators). The cafeteria will be on your left. 
  7. Once the “Market Place Café” entrance is on your left, turn right to walk down the Health Sciences Center hall.  
  8. Continue down the hallway, passing by the escalators, to the HSC tower elevators at the end of the hall.  
  9. Take an HSC tower elevator to Floor 10 (T-10). 
  10. On T-10, exit the elevators and walk down the hallway labeled “080-092 Psychiatry Conference Room”. 
  11. Enter the lab suite (10-087) at the end of the hallway. Please let us know you’ve arrived and have a seat in the waiting area. 


Kindly fill out this form to get in touch with us